Business Essentials

Working From Home Horror Stories…and how to avoid them

Working From Home Horror Stories…and how to avoid them

Wednesday, 03 November 2021

We have all become familiar with the trials and tribulations of working from home. The world, over the past two years, has seen the tremendous benefits of hybrid working, but that does not mean to say that there are not wrinkles that need ironing out.


While we enjoy the work-life balance of flexible working, the ability to pick the kids up from school, put some laundry on in the morning, or even taking the dog for an early morning walk-rather than sweating on your commute. There are some elements of working from home that can be difficult to navigate.


I’m sure we all remember the infamous moment that news presenter was interrupted by his daughter on live television (see link below).



How do we stay professional with the everyday risks of being at home? The doorbell ringing on a conference call, the dog barking, your kids playing cartoons too loudly, or even someone walking in on your call while you are presenting.


Many companies are sympathetic to these plights, and understand the differing home situations of each employee, but putting in place some simple guidelines can reduce these risks. Whether this means asking all employees to blur out their zoom backgrounds, muting themselves when they aren’t speaking or even ensuring that they are already sharing their screens when they begin their meetings, having guidelines increases your brand across the board when dealing with external clients, and creates a safety net for the individual.


However, presenting, while a common issue with working from home, is not the only one. Many teams have faced issues with productivity, wires become crossed when teams are unable to communicate projects in person. Emails are lost and deadlines are not met.


Queue the all-in-one place platform.

Platforms like Asana, Notion, Click up and the Todoist increase your teams productivity. They are a one-stop-shop to keep track of what each team within your business is up to, to set deadlines and to communicate between each other, collaborate and continue to progress. These apps can also increase wellbeing while working from home, as management can also observe the individual workloads of each individual and adjust their deadlines accordingly. Never miss a deadline, and reduce burnout.


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